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Our 50th Reunion will be held the weekend of
Sept 12-14, 2025!

Main Event: Sept 13, 2025
The DoubleTree by Hilton Ballroom

Please plan on being there! Share the great news!
Details to be shared as they develop! 


more Quotes


Hey There!
Want A Message?
Send A Message.

Having Fun is what The Class of '75 does Best! Mission Statement:
This site has been created
to help celebrate and reconnect
with classmates and friends.
It's Reunion planning purpose will
serve as a most valuable tool to help us
 reach everyone and pass the word!
Thank you!

As with much of Life,
your participation is essential for it to succeed.
Your photos, updates, and memories enhance the site.
Simply put, you make our site more special!

Your friends and  fellow classmates will enjoy hearing about you! 
Even if you haven't attended a reunion,
nor kept in touch since high school or before,
we ask that you please take the time to update your profile
and add a photo or two!

Your additions make this site fun, interesting and complete.
Thank you for helping us keep the site going!
It is what we make it!

Rock and Roll is here to stay!!

Bumper Sticker Insight for Today:
(and probably Tomorrow!)

Time is Nature's way of keeping everything
from happening all at once! 

"You say, 'If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied.'
You make a mistake.
If you are not content with what you have,
you will not be satisfied if it were doubled."
Charles H. Spurgeon

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home,
a stranger into a friend."
-Melody Beattie, Author

 Our August 1, 2015
40th Reunion

was unofficially Our Best Reunion Yet!
If you were not able to make it,
we hope to see you "Next Time", if not before!
Thanks to everyone for making it so special!

Check out the Mary D. Bradford Alumni Site!

Click Here for a list of planned
Mary D. Bradford High School Class Reunions 

scheduled this year!

Please note!
This website is NOT in any way
associated with Bradford HIgh School, Mary D. or Kenosha Bradford!
They will take your money but offer essentially nothing more than SPAM!

A HUGE THANK YOU to Merrill Merfeld
(and American Collision of Kenosha)
for the very generous donations to our
2010 and 2015 Reunion Fund!

Words Fail!
 Thank you so much!

Got a dent or a wreck?
Let Merrill Fix it!
Call American Collision!!


Special Thanks to
our generous classmates and sponsors
for their help
in making our 2010 Reunion

Merrill Merfeld
American Collision of Kenosha
Dennis Jantz
Jantz Towing
Tony Venci
Denice Nelson
Peggy and Jim Gombar
Bill and Peggy Grabowski
Pam and Joe Montemurro
Jeff Starr
Paul Starr
Howie Gomez
Mary Jo and Rocco LaMacchia
Larry Zamba
and Larry Zamba Photography
Mindy and Paul Hubbard
Diana and Jeff Werwie
Coins Sports Bar
Brat Stop
Tenuta's Deli
Paielli's Bakery
Flowers by Joseph
Biggby Coffee
Panera Bread
Guttormsen's Bowling Center
Mike Bjorn's Fine Clothing
The Lighthouse
Fec's Bar
The Boathouse
Bliss Cocktail Lounge

Thank You So Much!
It was appreciated more than mere words can express!




Click HERE!Just click on the reply, Add a topic, or Start a new one!

There are some topics that beg for contributions, input, feedback,etc!
Please help us get the dialogue going!


Mark and Steve!

(that's the Happy Dance!)

Are you getting your e-mail??

If not, Check your SPAM file!
Make sure your e-mail address is correct!  
Please make a note of:
on your contact list so that e-mails
are not marked as SPAM!

  Please Note! 
E-mails cannot be delivered if your address is not current!
Please ensure that your contact information is correct
and up-to-date!

Please note!
Emails that continue to "Bounce"

If you are in contact with these friends,
please let them know so that they can update as desired.

Thank you!


Those of you on FACEBOOKplease pass the word! 
Free resources used to find those "lost" include 


We could not have had so much FUN without you!

Worthy Causes,
Do you have a worthy cause that you support,
contribute to, volunteer for or support in any way?
Please help us help out and spread the word!
Send us your information or a link and
we'll be happy to share it on our site!
Thanks in advance!

Cares and Concerns is a "new" page.
It's really the "old" section of "news" about
friends,classmates and family
that is now relocated. 
Click Here 


Thank you!

Welcome to the newest Little Ones!

Congratulations to one and all,
new grandparents, new parents
and all new family members!

You give but little when you
give of your possessions.

It is when you give of yourself
that you truly give.
Kahlil Gibran

When the power of love, 
overcomes the love of power, 
the world shall know peace 

Jimmy Hendrix  

Do not wish to be anything but what you are, 
and be that perfectly. 

St Francis of Assisi

"The whole secret of a successful life
is to find out what it is one's destiny to do,
and then do it."

Henry Ford

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  
Henry David Thoreau

I may not have gone where
I intended to go,
but I think I have ended up where
I needed to be.

Douglas Adams

You have to have an idea of
what you are going to do,
but it should be a vague idea.

Pablo Picasso

 For everything you have missed,
you have gained something else.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Patience cures many an old complaint.
old Irish proverb

 Wisdom has two parts:
1. Having a lot to say
2. Not saying it

Silence is often the Best Answer...
Smiling is often the Best Reaction...

Blessed are the Flexible,
for they shall not be bent out of shape.

old Finnish Proverb

Kindness is difficult to give away
because it keeps coming back.

 A blind person asked St. Anthony: 
"Can there be anything worse
than losing eye sight?"

He replied: "Yes, losing your vision!"

From the FYI file! ...

Check it out...

The Beatles invaded The USofA 50 years ago!
Check it out! Take a flashback visit...
click on the pic below!

Larry D's Latest Adventure and Business!
Check it out

 BOB'S CORNER  from Bob Bartholomew!clickhere!

TRUE STORY FROM PAM! Worth the Read!! Thanks,Pam!

4 THE HEALTH OF IT A page dedicated to Health and Wellness!
Save A Life! Did you know there's a new way to perform CPR,
No Certification Required!

The Joys of Aging!


All the research points to keeping the brain young thru "exercise"...
Here are some sites for some Brain "FUN" and exercise!


Learn-a-new-word-a-Day at

Here's a FUN game from Pam Montemurro to ward off Old-Timerz! Thanks Pam!
ClickHere for some fun "brain exercise"!

Check out MARIO'S JOKES...Thanks,Mario! 

Please share your favorite recipes!
We would love to know "what's cooking"! !

Winter is a great time for wonderful food
and sharing your favorites!


Click on the pizza guy 
for another great recipe from!

   AnyDay in History page...
kinda fun to check out a quick overview of any day you choose!

More Stuff You Send is just that. Thanks for any and all "stuff"!

"Business Cards" for Class of "75 etc on the Links Of Interest page...
Check it out and Add yours!
Send your contact info and/or logo to "contact us"!

ClickHere to get your computer screen cleaned! FREE!!!

Our greatest glory lies not in never falling,
but in rising every time we fall.


Life is Easier with a Friend...

 Friendship is always a sweet responsibility,
Never an Opportunity. 
Kahil Gibran

There are copies  of The 1975 Spy yearbook available for sale
from The Bradford Alumni Association $35 each.
Many others years available. clickhere!

We couldn't have done it without you!

  A very sincere Thank you to one and all!


'Life may not be the party we hoped for...
but while we are here, we might as well dance!"

Some people come into our lives and quickly go;
Some people move our souls to dance;
they awaken us to new understanding
With the passing whisper of their wisdom;
Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon

 Friends share simple, ordinary times in our lives,

Moments that become memories that stay in our hearts forever
... And we will never, ever be the same.

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Always remember,
you have within you the strength,
the patience,
and the passion
to reach for the stars
to change the world. "
Harriet Tubman

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
~ Mark Twain

Whether you think you can....
Or think you can't...

Most folks are as happy as
they make up their minds to be.
Abraham Lincoln

"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference."
Winston Churchill

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude
from achieving his goal;
nothing on earth can help the man
with the wrong mental attitude. "
- Thomas Jefferson -

The successful person is an ordinary person
but with extraordinary determination.
- Author unknown -